Mercoledì, 05 Febbraio 2025

Conferenza Mondiale di IndustriALL Global Union sulle Industrie Aerospaziali 1-2 luglio, Berlino, Germania

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IndustriALL Global Union’s World Conference for the Aerospace Industries

“A Global Aerospace Union to Meet the Challenges of a Global Industry”

1-2 July 2015, Berlin, Germany

01 July 2015, Wednesday
09:00 – 10:00 Opening of the Conference and Welcome:

Conference Opener – Video: “Aerospace Industry”
Tom Buffenbarger, President, IAMAW, North America; Vice-President and Chair of Aerospace Industries Section of IndustriALL Global Union
Jürgen Kerner, Treasurer, IG Metall, Germany
Kemal Özkan, Assistant General Secretary, IndustriALL Global Union
Brian Kohler, Director, Aerospace Industries, IndustriALL Global Union, ‘’Global Sector Overview’’


10:00 – 10:30 Keynote Speech:
Introduction: Tom Buffenbarger, President, IAMAW, North America, Vice-President and Chair of Aerospace Industries Section of IndustriALL Global Union
Speaker: Mr. Holger Schlienkamp, Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy, Germany


11:00 – 12:30 Building Union Power and Confronting Global Capital in the Aerospace Sector
Chair: Owen Herrnstadt, IAMAW, North America
Mischa Terzyk, IndustriAll European Trade Union, Belgium
Gianni Aliotti, FIM-CISL, Italy
Simon Hemmings, Unite, UK
Daniel Walton, AWU, Australia


14:00 – 15:30 Defending Workers’ Rights and Countering Anti-Union Activities
Chair: Ian Waddell, Unite, UK
Phil Gruber, IAMAW, North America
Daniel Coleman, Unite, UK
Antonio Martin Jurado, Industria de CC.OO., Spain
Frank Bergmann, IG Metall, Germany


16:00 – 17:30 Ensuring Decent and Secure Jobs: Fighting Against Precarious Work
Chair: Philippe Fraysse, FO-Metaux, France
Dave Ritchie, IAMAW, North America
Conny Holm, IF Metall, Sweden
Ramona Woop, IG Metall, Germany


02 July 2015, Thursday
09:00 – 09:30 Keynote Speech:
Introduction: Tom Buffenbarger, President, IAMAW, North America; Vice-President and Chair of Aerospace Industries Section of IndustriALL Global Union
Speaker: Sam Marnick, Senior VP/Chief Administration Officer, Spirit AeroSystems, Inc.


09:30 – 10:30 Innovative Policies and Partnerships: Sustainable Industrial Employment
Chair: Jerry Dias, Unifor, Canada
Thomas Mitchell, Unite, UK
Masaru Fusawa, JBU, Japan
Brian Kohler, Director, Aerospace Industries, IndustriALL Global Union


11:00 – 12:30 Building Union Power in the Global Aerospace Industry through Networking
Chair: Marc Ambiaux, FO-Metaux, France
Thomas Busch, IG Metall, Germany
Anne-Catherine Cudennec, CFE-CGC, France
Erin Van Der Maas, ITF, UK


14:00 – 15:00 Future Work of the IndustriALL Global Union for the Aerospace Industries: Conclusions and Action Plan
Brian Kohler, Director, Aerospace Section, IndustriALL Global Union
Kemal Özkan, Assistant General Secretary, IndustriALL Global Union


15:00 – 15:30 Election of Co-Chairs
Closing Remarks by Co-Chairs
End of the Conference


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