Giovedì, 13 Marzo 2025

Sabina Petrucci (Fiom-Cgil): «Fiat Industrial condemned for anti-union behavior»

Press release


Sabina Petrucci, Fiom European national secretary, released the following statement.


«Fiat Industrial has been condemned by the Turin Court of Appeal for anti-union behavior against Fiom, which was excluded, at the end of 2011, in the special special negotiation body that was supposed to negotiate the European Works Council of the group.»
«The Court of Appeal considered the conduct of Fiat an interference in the nomination of Italian components in the Snb, which is an appointed of the trade unions only.»
This attitude, which enabled Fiat Industrial to pass the 3 years the law provides for the negotiation, shows that Fiat doesn't want to negotiate with on any topic, including the Ewc, but seeks to enforce its decisions

After the Ilo recommendations to the Italian government and this judgment of Turin, Fiat union rights become an international and European issue, to which they must give an answer.»

The judgment - the first which relates European level issues – is a credit to the tenacity and consistency of Fiom and IndustriALL Europe, which has refused to negotiate without Fiom.»

At the same time, the judgment is a lesson for the unions who felt as specious the attitude of Fiom and IndustriALL.»



Rome, 12th May 2014

La Fiom è il sindacato delle lavoratrici e lavoratori metalmeccanici della Cgil

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