Venerdì, 31 Gennaio 2025

Sabina Petrucci (Fiom-Cgil): "Crisis is not enough to justify the downsizing of Electrolux. Next November, 12-14, in Berlin, there will be the Electrolux Ewc meeting"


Sabina Petrucci, IndustriaAll coordinator of the Ewc Electrolux, released the following statement.
"At the meeting of the Electrolux European works council (Ewc), which will be held in Berlin next November, from 12th to 14th, IndustriAll will ask Electrolux explanations about its industrial strategy in Europe. In these last six years, the company has passed from one restructuring plan to another, with the result of the loss of thousands of jobs and the loss of market shares, endangering the existence of the group in Europe as we have known it."

"The Italian Electrolux plants which the company announced the downsizing are only the last part of its strategic plan that in the last two years has already caused the closure of many plants in Western Europe and has posed other plants in serious risks, for example in France, where only the intervention of the government has, at present, stopped the closure."

"The problems related to the economic crisis are real, but not enough to justify the strategy of recent years. Electrolux has weakened, compared to the main continental competitor."

"The Berlin meeting in the coming days should include a discussion about Electrolux true industrial purposes in Europe, and the delegates will face the discussion with all the tools that new Ewc directive attributes them. A meeting that will therefore be a central and decisive moment for the delegates to advance alternative strategies to the company one."

"We will not allow Electrolux to leave Italy and Europe ."



Fiom-Cgil/Press office


Rome, 29th October 2013

La Fiom è il sindacato delle lavoratrici e lavoratori metalmeccanici della Cgil

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