Mercoledì, 26 Febbraio 2025

Sabina Petrucci (Fiom-Cgil): «From Electrolux outrageous proposals. Requested an extraordinary and immediate meeting of the European Works Council»


Sabina Petrucci, IndustriaAll coordinator of the Ewc Electrolux, released the following statement


«After the outrageous proposals made by the company on January 27th, in the meeting held in Mestre (Venice) with Fim-Cisl, Fiom-Cgil, Uilm-Uil and the union national coordination, we asked Electrolux an extraordinary and immediate meeting of the European Works Council (EWC) since, as already stated in the last meeting of the EWC, held in Berlin last November, the company industrial strategy must involve an European debate and it can not be reduced to a cut of the workers rights country by country.»


Fiom-Cgil/Press Office


Rome, 28th January 2014

La Fiom è il sindacato delle lavoratrici e lavoratori metalmeccanici della Cgil

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